this is little 2 years old, he sure has got a lot of exploring and discovering to do.
and he's not afraid to let you know it, too. ;)
he's a hilarious little man and his sweet dimpled grin melts me.
i have a feeling he's going to be a little jokester when he gets to be a big boy.
it was great that the weather was nice enough for us to go do a little exploring
at a spot i'd been wanting to use for a long time now.
a rust covered metal building is the perfect place for a toddler....kidding!
his momma was right there. :)
bridget, i love your little man & absolutely loved capturing his fun-loving spirit!

This was the most fun we have had at a foot session. You are so talented and resourceful we didn't even have to try to make Logan smile, you brought out the best I'm him. Thank you so much for your time and expertise! We love u!
....and that was supposed to say foto session not foot!!!